ART REVIEW on [er49563 (emma)] on
Hello everyone,
I'm doing a art review about an artist I accidentally found by being weird like usually. This person goes by er49563 on It's looks like she likes making most of her are digitally. Her art is colorful and has a lot more going on in her pictures than I usually put in. She has a lot of nice completed pieces and some that look they are half way done, but look better than if they went with out. Really I have to say Emma's art reminds me allot of my own art. My art has a lot of lines thrown together which I usually leave in my art other than erasing them and cleaning them up. For Emma this may not be the case it could be she is just putting a lot in and actually having fun with her art. Now the part we don't want to hear in reviews, critiquing. Now the only thing I will say is don't exactly change your art, but add to it. I think like my own art that what I make is great, and adding more to it might ruin or mess up what I have created. This goes with my pencil drawings more, how they can be either decent or I can take a chance and add more, with a chance of making a mistake. With a lot my art and your's I see we have contour drawings with a little more added to it, but still a complete picture(some would say). I think you should go through to your old pictures you have online and maybe not change the picture but make a copy of it and add shading background and other details. Adding to what we have made, maybe will let our fans or future fans like the things that we have made before...more. Like recycling but beneficial in the end. I suggest that you copy a digital art work you have made before and add to it. If the art piece is transparent then you might like doing it better, but if not it will still work, maybe.
Anyways what I think about your art is that you can do more but you are afraid or sure on continuing some art pieces. I suggest you should continue what you do completely, but I would like to see more time put into your art rather than taking one session to make the art pieces. You might be surprised at what more you can do!!!
Overall art 6/10 Mona Lisa's
Top 5 favorites

Great job!!!
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