Thursday, May 29, 2014

got the D

So I recently finished helping my freindsPermalink Jose Emanuel with their senior project. I did my own and got a D but that's life... well i still wasnt happy that I shoulve got a b at the least. Right now im just frawing asjkfhasjklfskjf cant spell when my body is freaking twitching out. I havent been drawling in a while so I think im noticing this shaking more that i am. atm im drawing a pic for romeo levi a rapper I knew from school, we didnt know eachother really and I wont lie. man i cant write. well... why am i saying "man"? wtf am i doing i dont even knowkjabfas;kasjfh.aksjfha;sjkhdfa ... i need to eat...

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